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Animating Vision Loss

How you see it - how I don't - Cutting Chicken fillets, 2012
How you see it – how I don’t –
Cutting Chicken fillets
© Erica Tandori 2012



How you see it - how I don't - Lizzie's Disappearing Head, 2012
How you see it – how I don’t –
Lizzie’s Disappearing Head
© Erica Tandori 2012



How you see it - how I don't - Cutting the Tomato 3012
How you see it – how I don’t –
Cutting the Tomato
© Erica Tandori 2012



How you see it - how I don't - Children on the Hammock 2012
How you see it – how I don’t –
Children on the Hammock
© Erica Tandori 2012



How you see it - how I don't - Walking the Dog 2012
How you see it – how I don’t –
Walking the Dog
© Erica Tandori 2012



Waiting for the tram St Kilda Rd 2013


Driving with Bev 2014


On the bus 2014


Hand waving through the blind spot 2014


Lizzie in the fog 2013
Taking Lizzie for a walk 2012

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